Sparkles Accessories in
South Beach |
Store Details
Name: Sparkles
Address: 1241 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: (305) 672-0050
Mon - Thur (10am - 1am) Fri & Sat (10am - 3am)
Sun (12pm - 12am)
Sparkles Accessories is
a trendy accessory store in the heart of South Beach. They carry all
kinds of accessories, for women and men, from belts, costume jewelry,
handbags, watches, brand name sunglasses (Dior, Gucci, Versace, Dolce
& Gabbana...), all at very reasonable prices. Their concept is
to follow the trends by offering customers unique quality items at
different price points, starting at $9.99.
Do not be fooled by their beautiful and expensive decor because you
might miss out on their great products!
Accessories in Miami Beach, Florida
From Eastbound on 395 to Sparkles Accessories:
• At the end of 395 (A1A Causeway) becomes 5th St.
• Continue East on 5th Street 6 blocks to
Washington Ave.
• Turn Left (North) on Washington
• Sparkles Accessories is located at 1241 Washington Ave.
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