birds and animals must be imported under healthy, humane conditions.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations require that careful
arrangements be made with the carrier for suitable cages, space, ventilation,
and protection from the elements. Cleaning, feeding, watering, and
other necessary services must be provided. Under the Animal Welfare
Act, the Department of Agriculture is responsible for setting the
standards concerning the transportation, handling, care, and treatment
of animals.
Every imported container of pets, or package of animal parts or products,
must be plainly marked, labeled or tagged on the outside with the
names and addresses of the shipper and consignee, along with an accurate
invoice specifying the number of each species contained in the shipment.
Since hours of service and availability of inspectors from the other
agencies involved may vary from port to port, you are strongly urged
to check with your anticipated port of arrival before importing a
pet or other animal. This will assure expeditious processing and reduce
the possibility of unnecessary delays.
Customs Duty
Dogs, cats, and turtles are free of duty. Other pets imported into
the United States, if subject to a customs duty, may be included in
your customs exemption if they accompany you and are imported for
your personal use and not for sale.
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