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FSUTMS Online Training
FSUTMS Executive Summary Modeling Seminar
This online FSUTMS seminar provides an overview of the transportation planning process, travel demand forecasting methodologies, and FSUTMS modules under Cube. Participants will learn the underlying theories of modeling and see the benefits of Cube's abilities to produce presentation graphics for reports and meetings. This workshop will be designed for managers and non-modelers.

This seminar is approved by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE) for four (4) PDH credits. To receive PDH credits, you must first register to receive a user account. You will then log into the account to complete the seminar (takes about four hours) and then take and pass an exam.

If you simply want to take this seminar without receiving any PDH credits, you may click any of the links below directly without registration and login.

A live version of the this seminar is also available. Please click here to check its current availability.
Lesson 1: What is a Model?
Lesson 3: Who Uses the Model?
Lesson 4: Do I Have a Good Model?
Lesson 5: What do I Need?
Lesson 6: Exercise
Lesson 7: Additional Training revised
FSUTMS Transit Modeling Workshop
The FSUTMS Transit Modeling Workshop is designed as a beginning- to intermediate-level workshop for professionals with highway modeling experience but little experience in transit. The course covers in detail transit modeling within FSUTMS-Cube, including transit network coding, micro-coding fixed guideway stations, creating transit input files, transit access and path-building, Public Transport (PT) module scripting, mode choice, transit assignment, interpreting and displaying transit ridership results, and User Benefits.
Lesson 1: Transit Model Overview
Lesson 2: Transit Network Coding
  1. Exercise: Interactive Exercise on Network Coding