Concierge-X claims to work as a concierge at one of the world's best hotels, and blogs about the crazy things he's privy to. Thus far, C-X tells us about checking Michael Jackson in to an upscale hotel at EuroDisney, seeing him dressed as an Arabic woman, and usually seeing a young boy at the pop singers side. Here is another Jackson hotel story:
"Once again, I was chosen to do Mj's check-in, and brought all of his luggage up to the suite. MJ, accompanied by (again) a prepubescent boy, and his (the boy's) mother."
"He and the boy went immediately to the master bedroom, jumping on the bed to watch cartoons. They shut the door. What was really bizarre, though, and freaked me out, was the palpable negative energy in the air from the part of the boy's mother."
These Michael Jackson hotel stories are more juicy than the trial reenactment show on E!.