Committing Suicide on VacationMirroring the tragic event that took place this week at the Loews Hotel in Miami Beach, a Carnival cruise passenger jumped overboard in front of his wife and two children as the family was returning from a Caribbean vacation. No sign of the man has been found. Why did these men commit suicide on vacation? David P. Phillips, a sociologist at UCSD, who co-authored a 1997 study found that Las Vegas had the highest level of suicide in the nation for residents and visitors.
I don’t think being anonymous was the case with these two incidents. These were both troubled men who were striking back at the ones they loved. If you need help, contact the suicide prevention hotline at Switchboard of Miami. The phone number is (305) 358 4357. The youth hotline number is (305) 377-8336.
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3 Comments on"Committing Suicide on Vacation"
Shelly Eggers says:
How comw there is no news about suicide at deauville hotel yesterday? Nothing on line or tv?.
Posted on 04/03/2013 at 9:29 AM