Great, now I can be cool[Hey, y’all, this is Alesh of Critical Miami, posting here as part of Miami Cross Blogination. More about it at the end.] I know what you want. It’s not that you want to necessarily be cool, per se; you want to do cool things. You at least want to know what’s going on around town, even if you end up sitting at home all weekend. And if you’re visiting from out of town (MB411 gets the tourist traffic, right!?) and unaware of the various local publications, the problem may well be all the more acute. Sure, the Friday Miami Herald gathers up a decent “what-to-do” section, as do a couple of Thursday free weeklies. Miami Beach 411 even has its own excellent events page. But you know the feeling: that there are things. Happening. All the time. Slipping through the cracks. Well, never fear, Flavorpill is here. They’re on Time’s top-50, recently profiled in the New York Times, and they’re coming to Miami! At heart, it’s just an e-mail blast, ok? But from cities where it’s been going the report is that it really does scrape up the best of the best, drops it into your inbox weekly, and gives you the relevant info in meaningful categories, and by date! Date, y’hear? I mean, David Byrne came to a party that they threw in New York recently. They play minimalist German techno at their office. They have Chris Anderson giving powerpoint presentations! These folks know what’s going on. So yes, head over to their website right now, sign up for their newsletter, and just hold your breath: this is going to be amazing. [You know who else is cool? Gus, that’s who. This isn’t something I’m typing into outlook and e-mailing over—Gus sent me login info, and I’m typing straight into the slick MB411 back-end. Gus is posting today at; go check out his post. As fate would have it, Critical Miami is down(!) right at this moment. I have no idea what happened, but I’m sending frantic e-mails and trying to get it sorted. With any luck, it’ll be back up by the time you read this.]
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3 Comments on"Great, now I can be cool"
alesh says:
OMG i totally forgot to credit The Next Few Hours for bringing this to my attention!! And now I can’t log back into the post!! Eek!!
Posted on 09/19/2006 at 7:24 AM