How To Get High on Life in Miami, FLThe subject of purchasing drugs was recently brought up at Miami Beach 411. Our local correspondent, Matt Meltzer, was telling us a somewhat dark and humorous tale about the hazards of buying drugs, and I made a comment that “there are so many positive ways to occupy your mind here.”
I thought it would be fun to follow up with some different ways people can get naturally high that are sort of unique in Miami. Psst… Wanna Get High on Life? I Got 25 Guaranteed Ways to Blow Your Mind
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2 Comments on"How To Get High on Life in Miami, FL"
Doug says:
I completely agree! I discovered that (assuming there’s no lightning) swimming in the rain is also a moving experience. Our first instinct when it rains is to run for cover, but then you realize, “hey, I’m wet anyway!” and you can just sit back and enjoy the water coming at you from all directions! That, and just floating on my back on the ocean, letting the surf carry me gently up and down…it’s like you’re part of the ocean’s breathing.
Posted on 07/15/2007 at 10:29 PM