Miami Ballpark Asks: Are You Ready for a Night Out at “Field?”At some point in the next month or so, the Marlins are going to tell us what the name of their new stadium is going to be. A rather exciting time for many Miamians, as we will have a new local icon to talk about and see on aerial shots of “CSI:Miami.†Hopefully the name is something cool, and not yet another bank or airline. But it got me thinking: What if the local naming company decides that the stadium and the team should be run more like their business? What would the Miami Baseball experience be like then? I decided to tackle the issue on my first ever post fit for public consumption on my new Marlins baseball blog, Miami Ballpark. One of my ideas were if The Odious Opium Group bought the rights, and gave it some trendy, pretentious South Beach name, deciding to ruin baseball in Miami much the same way it ruined the club scene. Giving it a name like… FIELD
Each season the Marlins fold, are sold to a new owner, and have a “Grand Re-Opening†as a “completely renovated†team. They still finish behind the Braves and Phillies.
This is but a brief snippet of the entire article. I also offered up ideas for Burger King, Telemundo and Sprit Airlines, among others. You can check it out here. And this is hopefully the sort of stuff we’re going to be doing over on the new site. To this point, it has been mostly (ok exclusively) me pontificating about the brand of baseball the Marlins play from day to day. But moving forward, we are going to be offering more. As the stadium opens, we are going to tell fans what’s to be expected at the new ballpark. We’re gonna talk about the concession stands and the souvenir stands. The restaurants and the luxury suites. We’ll talk about the view from the cheap seats as well as the view from the field. And maybe, just maybe, a little about baseball. But much like the Marlins themselves, this year we are getting ourselves ready. We’re honing our sports blogging skills and getting this site ready for what it will ultimately become: Your unofficial home for all the info you need for a day at the new Miami Ballpark.
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3 Comments on"Miami Ballpark Asks: Are You Ready for a Night Out at “Field?”"
Phil says:
How did Opium ruin the club scene?
Posted on 04/27/2011 at 7:31 PM