How To Get A Security Deposit Back From An Unscrupulous LandlordSince Miami is a transient city, there tends to be a lot of renters. I’m often contacted by people with questions about renting and getting their security deposit back. And just recently, I had to fight to get mine back. My landlord had been real friendly since the day we decided to rent her house. We never signed a lease and had a casual relationship, what some people may call a “friendship”. I thought the day we told her we bought a house, and to please consider the phone call our 30 day notice, she would be happy for us. Her tone changed from “friend” to “foe” in a matter of seconds. It was all downhill from there. This article will summarize the basic procedures tenants should follow from signing the lease, to move out day, to ensure your money ends up back in your pocket. The Benefits Of Signing a Lease If you don’t sign a lease, who’s to say what the agreement is, or how much money you gave the landlord as a security deposit. If you choose to go this route, and not sign a lease, protect yourself by noting on every check exactly what the payment is for. Keep copies of all your cancelled checks. This was my first mistake. My landlord didn’t even recall how much money I had given as a deposit. Move In Day Move-in day is always crazy but nothing is more important than the following:
How To Give Notice Florida Statute § 83.57 states when renting: week to week: tenant must give 7-day notice You MUST give notice by cerified letter. Regardless of how chummy you and your landlord may be, this is absolutely necessary. Be sure to include the new address where your deposit should be sent. Keep a copy of the letter and the receipt from the Post Office. If you don’t do this, you won’t have any rights when it comes to getting you deposit back. Move Out Day When moving day approaches, set up a time with your landlord to do the final walkthrough. Again, make sure you take plenty of pictures. DO NOT leave without doing the walk through, and under NO circumstances do you want to leave without giving your landlord the keys, in person. I made the mistake of mailing my unscrupulous landlord the keys and she claimed she didn’t receive the keys for 2 weeks, making my actual “move out date” 2 weeks later, which she charged me for. Important Tips On Getting Your Deposit Back If you have followed the correct procedure for giving notice, your landlord only has 15 days to return your deposit, or 30 days to tell you why they are keeping it. After that time, they have NO legal right to keep any portion of your deposit. This is the best tip I can give you; it worked for me twice. I knew this before contacting my landlord and purposly waited 30 days so I could tell her she was breaking the law. If your landlord decides to keep a portion, and you disagree, you have 15 days after receiving the letter to object by certified mail. If you can’t come to an agreement, the next step is court. Thankfully, in my case, it didn’t come to this. I wrote her a detailed lettter explaining the many reasons why she was wrong to keep my money. She gave about half back. I settled because I didn’t have time to prepare a court case. What To Do When Your Landlord Sells Your Apartment Worth mentioning, it is not uncommon for landlords to change during the course of your lease. It is up to you to be proactive. Remember the list of damages you gave to your landlord when you did the initial walk through? When you have a new landlord, don’t assume this letter is in your file and is still valid. Start from step one and do a new walk through. If you follow all these steps, and are a good renter, you should have no problem getting your deposit back.
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19 Comments on"How To Get A Security Deposit Back From An Unscrupulous Landlord"
Kimosabe says:
Good tips here..Im glad I didn’t need to do that with Mmy landlord.I hope I don’t have to do that with my new landlord.I had them take out a fridge and we made no note of that.
Posted on 11/11/2007 at 12:11 PM