How to Distinguish Between Social Media And Social MarketingHanging at the Burgies with my friends, whom I mostly met through social media. (Photo by Vanessa Montes) A few months ago, one of our members posted a question on the forums, asking what makes a “social media expert,†which sparked a lengthy discussion into whether self-proclaimed social media experts were frauds or not. Like many of the topics posted on Miami Beach 411, the conversation eventually turned sarcastic and it was determined that a true social media expert can more accurately be described as a social media whore. At least in the case of the Burger Beast, who has turned his love of hamburgers and socializing into an annual schmoozefest he calls “The Burgies.†The Burger Beast will tell you he is not a social media expert nor a whore for that matter, but the fact that he can organize an event by using his blog, Facebook and Twitter to attract more than 100 people shows he is doing something right. Perhaps the Burger Beast is a little modest because at last count, there were more than 15,000 self-described social media experts whoring themselves on Twitter, which is what sparked the initial discussion. Some of these self-grandiose gurus are based in South Florida, where Miami was recently ranked 20th most social media savvy city in the country, a surprising low ranking considering we’re a city that takes pride in whoring ourselves out. According to Marc Girolemetti of Technorati, many people who describe themselves as social media experts are nothing more than modern-day snake oil salesmen who are capitalizing on the buzz term of the day. And who can blame them considering that many companies these days are hiring social media managers, as a way to increase exposure and profits? Girolometti explains:
Alex De Carvalho of Miami, considered by many to be a real social media expert, a man who even teaches a University of Miami class on social media, believes there are no social media experts. “There are no social media experts because social media is still evolving,†he said. He describes social media as the act of socializing using the tools of the internet. “When people say they’re social media experts, they’re usually saying they’re experts in social media marketing,†In other words, they’re spammers. Well maybe not quite because social media experts are skilled in not only promoting themselves, even if it is bombarding you with spam, they are skilled in receiving freebies, hence the term “whores.†Conversation Marketing, a social media site, compiled a list of questions on how to evaluate a social media expert before hiring one.
The Caffeinated Blog compiled a list of 10 signs to determine if you are a social media whore.
Make no mistake, I am a social media whore I am far from a social media expert but I’ve been a journalist for years, meaning I’ve been known to whore my time out for free meals. Most journalists frown upon receiving gifts or money in exchange for a story, but they will gladly accept a meal or drinks – as long as they can consume them while conducting their research. So earlier this month when I was invited to the Lexus Safety Experience, an event where Lexus allowed us to race their cars through a lane of cones before slamming on the brakes in order to test the difference between anti-lock brakes and non-anti-lock brakes, I jumped on the opportunity. After we test-drove several cars, we were treated to a catered lunch of chicken and pasta. They also gave us each a Lexus baseball cap, which is also acceptable because it’s really nothing but spam. Would that event prompt me to buy a Lexus? Not on my social media whore salary, but it did prompt me to mention it in this article as well as include the following video.
In fact, Lexus is so in tune to the power of social media, that they are hosting another event tonight where they encourage people to catch a wine buzz before getting behind a wheel of the 2011 Lexus LFA. It’s too late to RSVP, but a true social media whore can schmooze his way into any event.
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7 Comments on"How to Distinguish Between Social Media And Social Marketing"
The Dude Dean says:
You didn’t quote me on this one? Come on now.
Posted on 09/27/2010 at 1:46 PM