Thought Provoking Documentary of Umoja Village Before the Fire (Video)This video showing what life was like at Umoja Village before the fire really made me think. Sadly, the Miami shantytown was completely destroyed on April 26th, 2007. The fire was supposedly started by an unattended candle. (see: pictures)
SotP reports several arrests were made during the day as activists and residents tried to keep the City of Miami from reclaiming the property. After visiting the scene, I was optimistic the City would change their anti-Umoja position, but now I’m unsure. From Miami Herald:
The City has decided to allow the residents to stay until City Manager Hernandez decides what to do. There was no timetable offered to the residents when the City Manager would make a decision. Conspiracy theroies are surfacing. Some might say, this is starting to read like a Carl Hiaasen novel. Nice to see local user generated content getting more political. Continue watching Part 2 and Part 3 of the Umoja documentary.
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1 Comments on"Thought Provoking Documentary of Umoja Village Before the Fire (Video)"
Michael Emilio + Miami Fl Real Estate says:
Excellent done.. Shows you a side of South Florida that we don’t see every day…
Off to watch parts 2 and 3 now.
Posted on 04/30/2007 at 4:43 PM