Washington Avenue Improvement ProjectSubmitted by Jennie Lopez, Protocole Corp: With over 90% of the project complete, the Washington Avenue Improvement Project starts winding down and residents start seeing the difference and reaping the benefits. The improvement plan, extending from 5th Street to 16th Street along Washington Avenue, was designed to improve the safety and efficiency of the roadway as well as making the Avenue more beautiful. The work has consisted of refurbishing the roadways with new potable water lines, landscaping, improved drainage, decorative pedestrian street lighting, curb and gutter improvements as well as sidewalk replacement. Ric-Man International has been working to push ahead of schedule so as to shorten the construction time and complete the construction without impacting the winter season on Washington Ave. Their efforts have paid off being that they are currently at least six months ahead of schedule! “The project was much smoother than we anticipated. The contractor was very helpful and accommodated several special requests to minimize the impact on our business. As of December 23, 2005 the following work has been accomplished: In observance of this Holiday Season, Ric-Man International will postpone construction work on December 23. The work will recommence on January 2, 2006, putting the finishing touches, including landscaping and final resurfacing of the roadways. For further information regarding the Streetscape Improvement Project or the Holiday schedule, please contact Jennie Lopez at Protocole Corp at (305) 535-1743.
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