Clinton Hotel: 4 star hotel has 1 star services
By hbrake from Little Rock, AR on August 01, 2007.
Booked my vacation at the Clinton Hotel through American Express Vacations and it showed a 4 star rating. It is not 4 star. The Hotel is lovely. However, the pool is like a large hot tub. The concierge is great. However, the front desk staff doesn’t care once you are checked in. I came home one evening with take out from Outback Steak house and asked to borrow a fork - there is a “restaurant” here. I was told that the restaurant is closed for the week. However, there were people on the other side of the lobby eating food with real forks. The front desk staff, under the supervision of the night manager suggested I walk a block down the street to the pizza place and ask for a plastic fork. The bar in the hotel has been closed all week - but the front desk does not know why. The housekeeping of the hotel leaves alot to be desired from a 4 star hotel. The rooms are not cleaned and you have to request toilet paper - it is not automatically refilled during room cleaning. This hotel needs alot of work. Some of their staff are great at arranging rental cars, but the management is quite bad. It is 2 blocks from the beach - and it is a beautiful beach. I would recommend staying away from this hotel at all costs. A Bed and Breakfast would be better as far as service.
Clinton Hotel is located at 825 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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Not Recommended, Hotel, User Reviews
- 1-Star rating
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hbrake does not recommend this business.
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