Oliver's Bistro: Absolutely my favorite at the beach
By cindysilver4 from Miami Beach on June 15, 2007.
I live a block away from Oliver’s Bistro and I go there all the time. It is by far the coziest little bistro around the area. Usually populated by locals and a few tourists, it’s a neighborhood-style restaurant, with tables and umbrellas outside like a cafe. It has a full wine and beer list, which is always a plus! And the food is absolutely fantastic. I have never had anything at Oliver’s that wasn’t delicious—very rich, flavorful foods from a variety of backgrounds. Seriously, don’t miss this place!
Oliver's Bistro is located at 959 West Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 5-Star rating
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cindysilver4 recommends this business.
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