By brad-A from Miami Beach on November 15, 2007.
Excellent from the first to the last. The service was great, very warm friendly and attentive. It reminded me of the service you get from family run Mexican restaurants out west. I lived in Colorado and Cali and the food matched perfectly with what I am used to from authentic Mexican restaurants (I have never eaten in Mexico but this was exactly the food my western-Mexo/American friends would have happily eaten) I ordered the Platos Mexicano it was wonderful and presented beautifully. (how many Mexican platters I’ve ordered all lumped together I can’t count) The mole (spicy chocolate sauce) was good, not the best ever but mole is hard to find so I’ll take it when ever I can. I also enjoyed the horchata (a rice milk drink with sugar, cinnamon) Excellente! My group had margaritas which were also wonderful. We ended with sopapillas, they were crispier than I was used to but still delightfully cinnamony and with ice cream. I will be back again.
El Rancho Grande is located at 1626 Pennsylvania Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139 .
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- 5-Star rating
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brad-A recommends this business.
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