By Saundra from Melbourne, FL on July 25, 2006.
On July 20, 2006 I returned to South Beach for the first time in 17 years and I had the worst experience in my life. Along with five other friends, we stayed at the Deauville Beach Resort hotel. The hotel was very unkempt. The lobby had stained chairs, the elevators had soiled carpet and the hallway on the 7th floor had light fixtures out and trash all along the walk way. During my four day stay at the hotel, I was moved into three different rooms. On July 20, our first room had stained carpet, a soiled chair and the linens were not clean. They then moved us into room number 829. While lying in the bed a small red bug crawled from under the sheet. It turned out to be a bed bug that was filled with blood. We found bugs in both beds. The hotel sprayed the beds with Lysol, and changed the linens. We woke up Friday morning with bugs in our bed and blood on the sheets! The hotel moved us again to room number 1119. This room had a wet floor and later that evening after returning from a great night in the city, we realized the air conditioner was broken! The hotel had to replace the entire air conditioner. After our stay the management did not offer to compensate us for our problems. After investigating more about this Resort, I found out that they have had nine complaints since 2004 and one out of the nine complaints was resolved. I would never recommend this hotel to anyone.
Deauville Beach Resort is located at 6701 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33141.
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Not Recommended, Hotel, User Reviews
- 1-Star rating
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Saundra does not recommend this business.
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