Shelborne Hotel: Does not honor their agreements
Shelborne Hotel is located at 1801 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139. See related reviews in: Not Recommended, Hotel, User Reviews - 1-Star rating This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners. Art Traveller does not recommend this business.Do you agree? Was this review helpful? Share It With Others!1 Comments on"Does not honor their agreements"
ShelbourneMotel says:
I would have done the same thing in their shoes. They’re smart business people and you’re just one little insignificant person. The extra money they made from cancelling your reservation is worth every cent, because your phone calls (if you even bothered to follow up on the issue) and internet rants will fall on deaf ears. Hooray, capitalism!
Posted on 06/05/2007 at 1:13 AM