Nexxt Cafe: Don’t get ripped off at Nexxt Cafe
By Frances from Miami, FL on May 01, 2006.
I like eating at Nexxt, its good food, and a laid back sidewalk cafe. After a recent experience I will NEVER again return! The past 2 times I have gone, the waiters over charged us. This time, we split the bill, $20 cash, and $29.50 on each credit card. When I look at my bank statement today, there is an additional $19.00 fee on my credit card. I know I did not leave a tip, since they already imposed their 18% service charge on their LOUSY service. If you do go to Nexxt, make sure to check your credit card statement!
Nexxt Cafe is located at 700 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 2-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
Frances does not recommend this business.
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