Churchill's: Fun Bar in a Horrid Area
By Breck16 from Miami Beach on June 19, 2006.
Alright ya’ll I just recently went to Churchill’s for the first time the other week and it was quite an experience. Originally my friends and I were planning on going to Stop Miami but we were quite disappointed to discover that it was closed for reasons unknown to us. Well, we were in the area so we asked a local if there was a decent bar to grab a few cocktails and he recommended Churchill’s. I have heard about Churchill’s so I was like “lets check it out”. Just as soon as we found Churchill’s, we pulled down a side street to find parking and - wow - we were right in the middle of the worst neighborhood that I have seen in a while. To be quite honest I was a bit nervous so I would not park there and circled around till I could get a spot on the main road. Once we parked and went inside everything was pretty cool except for the fact that we were so not dressed for the scene since we were expecting to go to a wine and tapas bar. But all in all no one even seemed to care that were were standing out and everyone was really friendly. My favorite part of Churchill’s is the outside area. Its kinda funky with artistic murals all over the sides of walls on even old houses that I think serve as stock rooms and offices. Inside is your typical emo/punk rock bar with a stage for performances and pool tables on the other side. Personally I did not care for the musical performances so I pretty much stayed outside listening to the live dj spinnnin some funky hip hop and house cuts. Well all in all the bar is pretty cool but the area is quite scary. I will actually be going back for the Shak Shakers concert on the 30th so I will tell ya’ll how that goes now that I know the scene and know that great music will be in the house.
Churchill's is located at 5501 NE 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33127.
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- 2-Star rating
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Breck16 recommends this business.
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