By Maria E from Ft Lauderdale on July 17, 2006.
My friends and I had the best time at Funkshion last Saturday. We came down from Ft Lauderdale to hang out on Lincoln Road and inevitably ended up at Funkshion Lounge. One can’t help but be curious at the unusually large crowd that forms outside of Funkshion on Saturday nights. Curiously we went in and found the hottest spot on Lincoln Road with the best DJ and most original drinks on Miami Beach!!
Funkshion is located at 1116 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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Recommended, Nightclub, Atmosphere, User Reviews
- 5-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
Maria E recommends this business.
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