Crunch Fitness: I didn’t want to leave Crunch Fitness
By Ashley from Toronto, ON on April 30, 2006.
Great location, great staff, great facility. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to stay in shape while vacationing in South Beach, but boy, was I wrong. Price was reasonable - about 80 bucks for a week pass, which was totally worth it. I came in after my run to check the place out, and they let me work out for ten bucks (all the cash I had tucked down my sweaty sock…), no questions asked. Other members very cool and friendly.
Crunch Fitness is located at 1259 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 5-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
Ashley recommends this business.
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