11th Street Diner: My favorite place to eat, relax and people watch
By Kristymiami from Miami on July 23, 2007.
I have been going to the 11th Street Diner since I was 16 yrs old and living on my own. I used to go there in the middle of the night, when I couldn’t sleep and sit there, have my coffee and grub, and the people there were always SO inviting. The staff is always friendly and treat me well. The food is excellent. And the entertainment…watching the interesting people come in or pass by throughout the night…trust me…it’s worth the visit. I’m now 27 yrs old, and I STILL go to the diner. That place ROCKS!
11th Street Diner is located at 1065 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 5-Star rating
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Kristymiami recommends this business.
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Brenda says:
I have been going to South Beach a couple of times a year starting in 1994. I have only been to the 11th Street Diner once which was once to many. Awful service, had to wait forever for the food. I asked for a cheeseburger well done and when the server finally brought it out he said it took so long because I had ordered it well done. After he left the table and I took a bite it was totally not cooked inside. When I went to pay the bill with my credit card he said it did not work so I paid cash. However, the card worked everywhere else in South Beach. Awful service and food.
Posted on 10/31/2008 at 11:57 AM