Hotel Shelly: Not a bad hotel for a party crowd
By MB411 user from Long Island, NY on February 07, 2006.
Hotel Shelley was a great time. I went with 1 friend, I was 22 she was 28, this was in September of 05. We had a great time, we met lots of people to party with staying in or around that hotel. Everything was really basic but it had 2 beds, a shower, and a radio… what else do you need IN your hotel in south beach ... ok so when it rained outside it rained in our bathroom too, and it was impossible to get extra towels unless we stole them from the maids our selves, but it was a great, cheap place to sleep and shower while staying in Miami.
Hotel Shelly is located at 844 Collins Ave., Miami Beach.
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- 5-Star rating
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MB411 user recommends this business.
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