Sushi Siam: Pricey but worth it
By ckinsf from Miami Beach on January 27, 2007.
Years ago I had a mediocre lunch at Sushi Siam and had never returned until last night. Boy, have I been missing out! Awesome red curry, insanely delicious seafood Pad Thai and, for my dining companions, some very impressive looking sashimi/sushi combos. Although I was taken aback by their high prices I was totally sold after seeing the portions and the amount of seafood offered. The Pad Thai even had a big chunk of lobster! Service was slow and almost non-existent, the one disappointment of the evening. I would have liked a second beer and we may have ordered desert if someone had ever bothered to ask.
Sushi Siam is located at 1440 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL .
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- 5-Star rating
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ckinsf recommends this business.
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My wife and I are on our way down to south beach for our 5th straight year next month and Sushi Siam is probably our favorite place. I don’t consider them pricey at all unless your comparing them with the dinner up the street. The ladies there are the best and the food is wonderful. I know the owner and will show him your comments so their aware they had an unhappy customer.
Posted on 03/28/2007 at 8:11 PM