Prime 112" title="Prime 112">Prime 112: Prime 112 is an environmental hazard
By blove from Miami Beach on January 02, 2007.
Residents are exposed to sun-beaten, toxic grease puddles due to Prime 112 Restaurant not having the proper garbage facility to handle the compost/grease capacity. It is most a problem when the garbage trucks pick up their containers and leave large puddles of grease behind but is not limited to garbage pick ups only. Their garbage bins overload and the grease makes a river to the center of the alley and builds up to large puddles for alley traffic to drive thru ... as neighbors we are left to deal with and accept the putrid smell and the rodents this garbage/grease attracts.
Prime 112 is located at 112 Ocean Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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Not Recommended, Restaurant, User Reviews
- 3-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
blove does not recommend this business.
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