Sherbrooke Hotel: Sherbrooke Hotel recommendation May 2006
By Amanda from Boston, MA on May 01, 2006.
I booked the Sherbrooke for my fiancee and his brother/friends as they took a trip down to Miami together before our wedding. The guys came back raving at the cleanliness, quietness and the location: “a trap door to the Miami Beach night life and the beach”. I booked it for them from the reviews that I read online, the affordability, and the fact that the owner, who runs the place, was no nonsense. He asks that you send an email with date and time of arrival with the terms that was agreed upon on the telephone. No need to worry that just sending an email (as Mitch does not require a credit card hold) is your “reservation” as it is. I have yet to visit the Sherbrooke but all of the guys that I booked/sent there, loved it! They called it a “real find”. I hope to visit the Sherbrooke soon myself.
Sherbrooke Hotel is located at 901 Collins Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139 .
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- 3-Star rating
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Amanda recommends this business.
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