Lario's: The worst restaurant in Miami
By DeAnna Marcotte from Colorado on April 18, 2006.
Our company recently held an international world conference in Miami with attendees from all over the world. We mistakenly went to Lario’s for a dinner one night. The service was slow, and extremely rude, the food was terrible. I had nothing but complaints from my attendees. You would think Gloria Estefan would know something about accoustics being a singer but she apparently has never set foot in this restaurant. The private room upstairs they gave us was so loud, no one could hear the person next to them. They had to split our group up between the upstairs and downstairs and charged us for bringing chairs up. We spent $12,000 there and they treated us like crap. We should have known when we went to check it out before the meeting and the outside tables at all the restaurants on either side were full and there was no one at this place. Gloria - stick to singing, your restaurant stinks!
Lario's is located at 820 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 1-Star rating
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DeAnna Marcotte does not recommend this business.
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