By lindsay from Miami Beach on January 19, 2007.
I have to say being born in Peoria, Illinois the restaurants of South Beach are often more than a little shocking to me. Overpriced with a lot of attitude and too much attention to ambiance and not enough to the food. The food at FLB (how its called on SoBe) is great. The buffalo mozzarella is the best I’ve ever had in the United States. Their menus is based on actual real “water buffalo” not bison (which is what is often listed as buffalo in other restaurants). The service is friendly and consistent. I had the buffalo burger which was great and tasted my friend’s pizza was good as well. South Beach needed a restaurant like this. A good casual cafe where you can go without dressing up, or destroying your wallet and still get fantastic food.
Fratelli La Bufala is located at 437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach.
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- 4-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
lindsay recommends this business.
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