Prime 112: What A Great Restaurant
By Max from Miami Beach, FL on October 26, 2006.
Went to Prime 112 for my wifes birthday on Oct 18. Place was packed and as loud as you could ever imagine. You could actually scream at someone at your table at the top of your lungs and never even be noticed or heard by anyone! The food was amazing. We had the lobster cocktail and the crab cakes for appetizers and both had unbelievable filet mignons cooked to perfection! Dessert was also outstanding. Not for the quiet romantic couple, but if you want some of the finest food being served in South Beach, then Prime 112 is your place!!!!
Prime 112 is located at 112 Ocean Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 5-Star rating
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Max recommends this business.
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Gus says:
Thanks for your review. Prime 112 is one of the best. Another good restaurant of theirs is Nemo.
How much did you spend? With 2 seafood appetizers , 2 filet mingon, and dessert, I bet it was over $225.
Who else has eaten at Prime?
Posted on 10/29/2006 at 3:10 AM