Purdy Lounge: Wonderful lounge, if you can find it
By Breck16 from Miami Beach on June 19, 2006.
When I first moved to Miami Beach I was like most tourists, wanting to hit all of the hot spots that you read about and see on E! and after all but 2 months I found myself searching for a nice place that is frequented by locals. Luckily one of my associates told me about Purdy Lounge. In all honesty it took me ages to actually find it. Of course it is on Purdy Ave and is just down the street from Sunset Harbour but for some reason I kept overlooking it everytime I passed by. Even our limo driver one evening could not find it. Anyhow when I finally discovered the lounge it was totally worth the wait. The setting is really nice and intimate with great music and cocktails. I really love this place and the saying is true the best places are the hardest ones to find. So next time you are on the Beach and are looking for a nice, intimate, and relaxed atmosphere then stop by Purdy Lounge. Good Luck in your quest to find it!!!
Purdy Lounge is located at 1811 Purdy Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139.
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- 4-Star rating
This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
Breck16 recommends this business.
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