Nobu" title="Nobu">Nobu: Worst restaurant experience at Nobu
By Bryan from Palm Beach, FL on March 05, 2006.
I had the same experience of 3/2006…months after the other complaints were posted. It’s all true. The wait staff was rude and almost “cocky” to a point when asked a question. We had called ahead to see if they offered some other dishes besides seafood, since one person in our party of 6 dislikened seafood. They said oh, but of course. When we got there, there was one dish, and it wasn’t to his liking due to the cruelty of punishment given to the calf before preparing. We left after having our drinks, and demanded the 18% gratuity be taken off, which suprisingly they agreed to. They had the nerve to invite us back!!
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Bryan does not recommend this business.
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