By linda from Oswego, NY on March 28, 2006.
Even though they say this is a free trip, it definitely wasn’t worth it the night we went. There was NO WAY that ship should have even sailed that night. The staff was nervous and said they had never seen such high seas. WE tossed so much that our chips flew all over the table, our seats moved, so we had to hang on to the table so we wouldn’t go flying. All of the bottles and glasses went flying all over-broken glass everywhere, very scary! The waitresses and bartenders were so busy cleaning up they didnt have time to serve the customers. When we walked up to the bar to finally get a drink ourselves, we were charged for it. The food was awful…crackers and cheese to say the most! And who could eat??? The band couldn’t play, and who could stand up to dance? It was an awful night, we had to be escorted back to shore by the coast guard! We should have all been given a voucher to make up for it!
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This review is the subjective opinion of the individual traveler and not of MiamiBeach411 nor of its partners.
linda does not recommend this business.
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