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Yoga for Travelers

Find out about yoga classes in Miami Beach


Yoga has become a popular way to work out in today’s modern world, and a perfect place to take a yoga class is under a Miami sunset sky. Whether you do yoga for relaxation, fitness or weight loss, we can help you keep up your practice while you travel.

The Basics
Assuming you are not a yoga novice or a beginner, starting your day with some basic stretching can help overcome jet lag, help you wake up, and leave you ready to enjoy your day. With all the sightseeing and walking you may be doing, focus on stretching your legs and back in some familiar yoga poses. Walking in the sand barefoot is also helpful for aching legs and feet.

Have mat, will travel
It may be difficult bringing a regular yoga mat on vacation along with all your other travel essentials. However, there are travel yoga mats you can buy that fold up into your suitcase, taking up no room at all.

How to do a Sun Salutation
The Sun Salutation in Yoga is a flowing series of 12 poses which help improve strength and flexibility. Known as Surya Namaskar to dedicated yogis, the pose also warms up the body and tones the abdominal muscles.

Standing upright, bring your palms together in the prayer position. Raise your arms overhead, keeping your palms together and then bend forward until your hands touch your feet. Step the right and left leg back so you are in the plank position, which is keeping your spine and legs in a straight line and supporting your weight on hands and feet. Lower your knees, your chest and then your forehead onto the floor, keeping your hips up and toes curled under. Stretch forward and then arch back, keeping your arms straight. Curl your toes under, press down into your heels, and lift your hips.

This is not the end of a Sun Salutation, but brings you as far as Downward Dog, a pose that is used throughout an Ashtanga yoga class. Focus on your breathing throughout the poses, exhaling as you step into each one.

Yoga Classes in Miami Beach
Finding a great yoga class is easy with all the studios here. Here is a list of the most popular studios. I have taken class at each one and can recommend them all:

Synergy Yoga, 435 Espanola Way, Miami Beach
Miami Life Center, 736 6th St, Miami Beach
Shakti Yoga, 210 23rd St, Miami Beach
Bikram Yoga, 235 11th St, Miami Beach
Green Monkey, Purdy Ave, Miami Beach

Beach and park yoga classes
One of the best reasons to practice yoga in Miami is being able to do so outside. With daily sunrise and sunset classes, you will finish your practice feeling invigorated. Beach classes are held at the 3rd street lifeguard tower at 7am and 5pm every day, (with a later time of 6pm in the summer during daylight saving).

Classes are held by the Miami Yoga Club in South Pointe Park on Wednesday evenings and Saturday and Sunday mornings. With both the beach and park yoga classes costing an affordable $5 donation, there is no better place to do a sun salutation than under the beautiful Miami sky.

Yoga is popular with many people for various reasons; it improves muscle strength and flexibility, and helps promote a sense of well being and healthy living. So beginner or advanced, there is a class in Miami Beach waiting for you.


About the Author:

A SoBe resident for 5 years, Jess’s writing focuses on healthy living in South Beach with a dose of British humor and a cheerful outlook on life in Miami. She can be found moderating the forum Miami Beach 411.

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