Miami Beach
Population & Demographics
The City of Miami Beach encompasses
7.1 square miles of land and 10 miles of water. City Boundaries
extend from Government
Cut to the south, 87th St. to the north, Biscayne Bay to
the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.
Miami Beach is dived into three sections:
South Beach (1st St. to 17th St.)
Middle Beach (17th St. to 41st St.)
North Beach (41st St. to 87th St.)
The extendeds board walk runs from 5th St. to 46th St. on
the beach. Total water frontage is 63.26 miles. The average ocean
water temperature is 74 degrees.
Quick Facts
• Populaton: 87,933
• Number of Hotels: 187
• Number of Hotel Rooms: 20,300
• Average Temperature: 82.6 degrees in July,
67.2 degrees in January
• Average Annual Rainfall: 55.92 inches
• Average Annual Snowfall: Zero
• Elevation: 10 feet above Sea Level
• Local Personal Income Tax: Zero
• State Personal Income Tax: Zero
• State Corporate Income Tax: 5.5%
• Sales Tax: State of Florida-6.0%, Miami-Dade
Miami Beach has the 26th highest population density in the United
States, and the 2nd highest housing density, following New York
City. The population rank increases to 3rd or 4th during the winter,
when the majority of vacant second and third homes and/or condos
are occupied.
According to sales reported to the Florida Department of Revenue,
Miami Beach had the highest spending density in the State in 2001:
$315 Million per square mile in consumer spending.
Black or African American |
American Indian and Alaska Native |
Hispanic or Latino(of any race) |
Mexican |
Rican |
Cuban |
Hispanic or Latino |
Seasonal, recreational, or occasional
use |
Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) |
Rental vacancy rate (percent) |
Owner-occupied housing units. |
Renter-occupied housing units. |
is based 2000 US Census data. For more information on
population visit U.S. Census Bureau.
Real Estate Report
City of Miami Beach
January 2003
Condominiums |
of Transactions |
Sale Price |
Sq Ft |
Per Sq Ft |
South Beach |
212 |
$238,611 |
857 |
$278.59 |
Beach |
125 |
$239,670 |
1,048 |
$228.77 |
Beach |
86 |
$173,684 |
1,003 |
$173.16 |
Total |
423 |
$225,753 |
943 |
$239.37 |
* A 1810 square foot unit at Il Villaggio sold for $701.66
per sqft
* A 1550 square foot unit at Il Villaggio sold for $645.16
per sqft
* A 2618 square foot unit at Murano sold for $630.25 per
* A 1230 square foot unit at the Roney sold for $522.76
per sqft
* A 3082 square foot home on Palm Island sold for $940.95
per sqft
* A 1690 sqft foot unit at La Gorce Palace sold for $414.20
per sqft
Information is based on transactions recorded at Miami-Dade